Programming, Photography, Guides, Thoughts

Category: Uncategorized

  • Jak opravit napájecí adaptér notebooku

    Jak opravit napájecí adaptér notebooku

    Jak opra­vit napá­je­cí adap­tér note­boo­ku, pokud se vám u něj roz­bil kabel? Vzhle­dem k tomu, že celý napá­je­cí adap­tér obvykle vypa­dá jako sou­vis­lý blok, bez šrou­bů a bez mož­nos­ti jej otevřít, zdá se jako jedi­nou mož­nos­tí opra­vy kou­pě nové­ho. Dlou­ho jsem pře­mýš­lel, jak se do adap­té­ru dostat. Pře­ce jen, nějak jej muse­li slo­žit, tak musí…

  • Waiting on multiple Event objects in Python 3

    Waiting on multiple Event objects in Python 3

    Pas­si­ve wai­ting is a way of suspen­ding pro­grams execu­ti­on without con­su­ming any CPU (in con­trast with acti­ve wai­ting whe­re a pro­gram is busy doing nothing). In Python, you can use cer­ta­in clas­ses from the threa­ding modu­le (such as Con­di­ti­on and Event). Let’s take for exam­ple the Event class. It is good for wai­ting for an…

  • How to run interactive .exe on Windows with Ansible

    How to run interactive .exe on Windows with Ansible

    Star­ting with ver­si­on 1.7, the orchestrati­on tool Ansi­ble has a sup­port for mana­ging Win­dows machi­nes. What the docu­men­tati­on does not pro­vi­de is a gui­de on how to run inter­acti­ve appli­cati­ons properly.

  • jsonchema: Custom type, format and validator in Python

    jsonchema: Custom type, format and validator in Python

    json­s­che­ma is a gre­at lib­ra­ry for vali­da­ting JSON data with JSON sche­ma in Python. It also allows you to spe­ci­fy cus­tom JSON sche­ma types, for­mats and even vali­da­tors. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, the docu­men­tati­on is not very clear about the way how to cre­a­te cus­to­mi­zed validators.

  • Package namespacing for Python library collection

    Package namespacing for Python library collection

    A practi­cal gui­de on how to manage a collecti­on of code snip­pets as a sin­gle, easy to main­ta­in lib­ra­ry collecti­on. I will uti­li­se Python pac­kage name­spa­cing, managed in a Git mono-repository.

  • Streamline adding hashtags to Instagram posts with ChatGPT

    Streamline adding hashtags to Instagram posts with ChatGPT

    As a hob­by pho­to­gra­pher, I like to show­ca­se my pho­to­gra­phy on Instagram. But I hate coming up with hash­tags for my posts. So as a soft­ware engi­neer and LLM enthusi­ast, I thou­ght – Can I auto­ma­te and stre­amli­ne the pro­cess of coming up with hash­tags for my Instagram posts with ChatGPT?

  • Python 3.8 end of life coming soon

    Python 3.8 end of life coming soon

    Python 3.8 will/has rea­ched it’s end of life [time_since]2024–10[/time_since]. Soon, you will be for­ced to upgra­de as tools and lib­ra­ries gra­du­ally start remo­ving it’s sup­port. If you have the opti­on to upgra­de to the latest Python ver­si­on, take it. But espe­ci­ally lib­ra­ry main­ta­i­ners don’t have that luxu­ry and still have to keep 3.9 sup­port around.…